The past few months have highlighted the significant supplementary security role our local community policing forums (CPFs) play in our communities.

Together with police representatives, a CPF is a committee of people from a group of neighbouring communities who meet regularly to address security problems in their areas.

A CPF aims to:

  • Ensure police address the community’s primary security needs.
  • Enhance the quality of information available to the police to develop a proactive, solutions-driven approach to security issues
  • Provide a visible and accessible policing presence
  • Enhance the public’s confidence in the police while deterring criminals

 The Berea CPF is most accessible to Florida Road and its new committee was elected on 25 May 2021. Their new community implementation plan includes:

  1. Demarcating the community into eight sectors each with aa volunteer leader, and vice-leader linking members living in that sector.
  2. The sector leaders will interface with Berea CPF.
  3. Regular monthly meetings will be held with central CPF and sector leaders to deal with security and protocol matters. This will involve patrols and supporting SAPS in their security initiatives.
  4. CPF will visit local schools to create awareness of community safety.

Trauma counselling, if required, will be made available to members living in the community.

To find out more about the Berea CPF please contact Hilton Kidger

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