It’s been a week of bustling teamwork in the precinct, with various teams working diligently to enhance the beauty and functionality of Florida Road.

Our UIP team has been at the forefront, meticulously tending to the precinct’s green spaces. Along the Innes Road sidewalk garden, their dedication to diligent weeding ensures a tidy and inviting environment. Furthermore, their early morning litter picking in the service lane sets a positive tone for the day ahead. Notably, the UIP team has also been busy planting harvested dietes plants in the badly affected tree bowls, contributing to the enduring charm of our streetscape.

The presence of various eThekwini Municipal departments has been evident over the past two weeks. EDSW and EPWP workers have been spotted sweeping and meticulously litter-picking, leaving no corner untouched. Additionally, the eThekwini Roads Department replaced a damaged drain cover on the corner of Holden Avenue and Florida Road, addressing safety concerns .

Tsebo’s grass-cutting team has been working tirelessly to maintain the lush greenery of Gordon Road Park. Their efforts extend to verge trimming on 7th Avenue and its cul-de-sac, as well as outside Quarters Hotel, enhancing the overall streetscape with a polished finish.

These collaborative efforts underscore the strong spirit of community in Florida Road.

Pictured below: UIP team maintaining tree bowls and street sweeping, Tsebo grass cutting, DSW tending sweeping pavements


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