This week, work began on a brand-new piece of art on the wall at the corner of Gordon and Montpelier Rd. The Florida Rd Urban Improvement Precinct (UIP) was approached by artist Shaun Oakley to create the outstanding artwork on this otherwise dull wall. A huge thank you to the Church of Scientology, who owns the land and granted approval to make use of the wall. The piece of art, meaning that every man is a person, was carried out by Oakley to celebrate people and to spread positivity within the city while simultaneously revitalising its spaces. The wall is regularly tagged with random bits of graffiti and the presence of an awesome piece of art will really brighten up this corner and add to the personality of this amazing area. A very well done and thank you to the brilliant artist Shaun Oakley for this remarkable and stand out piece and for his assistance with the UIP in obtaining the approvals required to carry out this amazing initiative.


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