The Florida Road Urban Improvement Precinct (FRUIP) is pleased to welcome Ensure Security as the new security provider mandated to keep Florida Road safe and secure. We thank the outgoing service provider, Excellerate Security Services, for their excellence and commitment in keeping the precinct safe over the past eight years.

A well-respected private security provider with a proven track record, Ensure Security will begin operations on Florida Road on 1 April. In addition to providing 24-hour security, as part of their service level agreement with the UIP, they will be offering the following next-generation value adds to Florida Road UIP contributors:

  1. Free, fully customized security risk assessment for FRUIP contributors
  2. Preferential technical installation and monitoring rates for FRUIP contributors
  3. Formalized and sustainable support program with relevant law enforcement agencies and critical role-players
  4. Daily visits and precinct checks by Ensure’s directors, senior management, and HQ operational resources
  5. HelpMe!β„’ mobile emergency panic solution – Special group offering to all FRUIP contributors with customizable emergency response network.
  6. Introduction of Next Generation Security Equipment i.e. Mobile remote jamming detectors

We look forward to working alongside Ensure Security in keeping Florida Road safe so that patrons and businesses can continue to enjoy this historic and vibrant dining and entertainment hotspot.

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